
The Fight Against Business Fraud - Who is a Target? 10/08/2018 by Dawn W. Brolin, CPA CFE Do you own a business?  Do you think your business is too small to worry about fraud?  If you answered yes to either or both of those questions, you are a target.  According to the 2018 Report To The Nations published by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners states that over $7 Billion stolen in 2017 from businesses.  That includes both large business and small business.  Here are a few simple internal controls that you can implement at a reasonable price and implementation cost: Receipts:  One simple misconception by owners is that a credit card statement will stand up in the event of an IRS audit.  That is simply not true.  Investing in a receipt tracking app will assist you with this required information.  I recommend Receipt Bank for this internal control.  If you can take a picture, you will be able to use this app. Time Stealing:  Employees cheating on manual time sheets c